Kuih are more often steamed than baked, and are thus very different in texture, flavour and appearance from Western cakes or puff pastries. Manykuih are sweet, but some are savoury. The term Kue/Kueh/Kuih is widely used in the region of Indonesia and Malaysia to refer to sweet or savoury desserts. It is hard to distinguish between kuih of Malay or Peranakan (also known as "Straits Chinese" people) origin due to the fact that the histories of these recipes have not been well-documented. Cross-cultural influencing is also very common.
Though called by other names, one is likely to find various similar versions of kuih in neighbouring countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand, andBurma. For example, the colourful steamed kue lapis and the rich kuih bingka ubi are also available in Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam.
HaVoC MaThAN(born JULY 14, 1991), better known by his stage name Havoc, become havoc brothers... Havoc produces house most of the tracks on every havoc brothers album, and has produced songs for love, frendz, family with havoc naven and me only...his own partner havoc naven and frendz on his solo work. In the spring of 2008, havoc broters was signed love song to girl. Havoc is renowned among serious lovely n touching feeling in song fans as one of the prominent figures during the 2011 for his hard-work and stripped-down beats complementary to the 45minit projecs. Following The Infamous, he tweaked his skills and transitioned to a more atmospheric production style that incorporated samples from classical music, most notably visible on the 2012 album. As an havoc brothers, he is known for his hardcore lyricism, deep voice, and consistent flow. In 2013, Havoc was featured alongside cintaku buta 2.0 music video album, the video was directed by havoc mathan me... In 2013, Havoc produced house a beat for love which resulted in a song called "lovely touching song" which is a hidden track on havoc brothers official page's album top in the world..and alzo thirunangai ( the dauther of god )song top and we ar proud with the guyz at singapura.the next song alzo top to love kannaley kollathey...>> 100% melody song
Rhana of No Entry Passes away
Mannin mainthar (Son of Soil) Rhana, a member of the famous Malaysian Tamil band No Entry , has passed away yesterday. Puchong Based Rhana’s death has caused many fans to be very surprised and upset. One of his hit songs include Antera Manal Medu. Rhana is also the vice president of ANTERA Motorsports.
It was reported that Rhana, or his real name Thanasegaran Kaniappan, 34, and other two victims were killed after the Mitsubishi Triton four-wheel drive they were in crashed into a tree along Kilometre 24 of the Pasir Gudang Highway here early in the morning.The victim’s remains were sent to the Sultan Ismail Hospital.Seri Alam police chief Superintendent Roslan Zainuddin said it is believed that the vehicle that the victims, who were from Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, were travelling in had lost control and skidded off course before crashing into a tree that divided the highway.
All the occupants of the vehicle were killed instantly due to serious injuries suffered from the accident,” he said when contacted today. Roslan said investigations showed that the accident location had ample street lighting, while the roads were in good condition and it was not raining.
“The cause of the crash was believed to be due to the driver losing control of his vehicle,” he said, adding that no other vehicles were involved in the accident. Police have classified the case under Section 41(1) of the Road Transport Act 1987.
Yuvan Shankar Raja was signed on to compose the film's soundtrack and score, becoming his sixth project starring Ajith Kumar. In November 2012, Yuvan Shankar Raja composed a new song for the film.[6] On 23 April 2013 the composer tweeted that he had completed three songs,[7] and that one of which was a "mass intro song" rendered by Shankar Mahadevan.[8][9]Vijay Yesudas stated that he had sung a "celebration song" in the film.[10]
In August 2013 it was reported that Vairamuthu's younger son Kabilan Vairamuthu was roped in to pen lyrics for a song in the film, the first time working with Yuvan.[11] His lyrics were scrapped later and all five songs were written by Pa. Vijay only.
Yuvan Shankar Raja had handed over the master copy of the audio to the film's producer on 21 August and it was reported that the soundtrack would release on September 9 for Vinayagar Chaturthi.[13] On September 14, 2013, Sony Music India announced that the album would be released directly to stores on September 19, while also revealing the tracklist.
On the same day, Theatrical trailer was released and went viral in YouTube. The trailer received massive response all over India as "Most Stylish one ever" leaving the high expectations in the kollywood.This movie was scheduled to release on 31st October 2013 two days before Diwali. [14]
Yuvan Shankar Raja had handed over the master copy of the audio to the film's producer on 21 August and it was reported that the soundtrack would release on September 9 for Vinayagar Chaturthi.[13] On September 14, 2013, Sony Music India announced that the album would be released directly to stores on September 19, while also revealing the tracklist.
On the same day, Theatrical trailer was released and went viral in YouTube. The trailer received massive response all over India as "Most Stylish one ever" leaving the high expectations in the kollywood.This movie was scheduled to release on 31st October 2013 two days before Diwali. [14]
Behindwoods.comrated the album 3.75 out of 5 and stated "Pulsating rhythms, entertaining hooks and hair-raising lyrical moments make Arrambam a commercial heavyweight".[15]Indiaglitz.comrated the album 3.5/5 and stated "Yuvan strikes a Homerun".[16]
The album has also been a commercial success and described as "one of the biggest hits of the year".[17] Upon its release on September 19, at midnight, the album immediately reached number one spot on the iTunes India store.[3][18]Sify wrote that "no Tamil album has done (this feat) before".[5] Ashok Parwani, General Manager at Sony Music, stated that it had done "very well from a sales perspective".[17] The CDs were sold out within two days and the second batch of hit the stores on 23 September.[19]
Little India & Masjid India are 2 different places
by gvmsiaWritten Oct 11, 20121 reviews
After reading these reviews and viewing the pictures, I think it needs clearing up: Little India and Masjid India are 2 completely different places.
Little India is in Brickfields, and the main road that goes through it is Jalan Tun Sambanthan https://maps.google.com.my/maps?q=little+india+malaysia&hnear=Brickfields,+Kuala+Lumpur,+Federal+Territory+of+Kuala+Lumpur&gl=my&t=h&z=15
Masjid India is along the road Lorong Tuanku Abdul Rahman https://maps.g
The Mines: The Mines
by l_jooWritten Mar 28, 20052924 reviewshttp://www.mines.com.my/shopping.asp click the link to go to the website. The Mines is a big shopping mall with so many shops, the location is a little bit far from city centre, roughly 35 minutes by taxi, but its big in size, worth going.
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Mawar adalah tanaman semak dari genusRosa sekaligus nama bunga yang dihasilkan tanaman ini. Mawar liar yang terdiri lebih dari 100 spesies kebanyakan tumbuh di belahan bumi utara yang berudara sejuk. Spesies mawar umumnya merupakan tanaman semak yang berduri atau tanaman memanjat yang tingginya bisa mencapai 2 sampai 5 meter. Walaupun jarang ditemui, tinggi tanaman mawar yang merambat di tanaman lain bisa mencapai 20 meter.
Sebagian besar spesies mempunyai daun yang panjangnya antara 5-15 cm, dua-dua berlawanan (pinnate). Daun majemuk yang tiap tangkai daun terdiri dari paling sedikit 3 atau 5 hingga 9 atau 13 anak daun dan daun penumpu (stipula) berbentuk lonjong, pertulangan menyirip, tepi tepi beringgit, meruncing pada ujung daun dan berduri pada batang yang dekat ke tanah. Mawar sebetulnya bukan tanaman tropis, sebagian besar spesies merontokkan seluruh daunnya dan hanya beberapa spesies yang ada di Asia Tenggara yang selalu berdaun hijau sepanjang tahun.
Bunga terdiri dari 5 helai daun mahkota dengan perkecualian Rosa sericea yang hanya memiliki 4 helai daun mahkota. Warna bunga biasanya putih dan merah jambu atau kuning dan merah pada beberapa spesies. Ovari berada di bagian bawah daun mahkota dan daun kelopak.
Bunga menghasilkan buah agregat(berkembang dari satu bunga dengan banyak putik) yang disebut rose hips. Masing-masing putik berkembang menjadi satu buah tunggal (achene), sedangkan kumpulan buah tunggal dibungkus daging buah pada bagian luar. Spesies dengan bunga yang terbuka lebar lebih mengundang kedatangan lebah atau serangga lain yang membantu penyerbukan sehingga cenderung menghasilkan lebih banyak buah. Mawar hasilpemuliaan menghasilkan bunga yang daun mahkotanya menutup rapat sehingga menyulitkan penyerbukan. Sebagian buah mawar berwarna merah dengan beberapa perkecualian seperti Rosa pimpinellifolia yang menghasilkan buah berwarna ungu gelap hingga hitam.
Pada beberapa spesies seperti Rosa canina dan Rosa rugosa menghasilkan buah rose hipsyang sangat kaya dengan vitamin C bahkan termasuk di antara sumber vitamin C alami yang paling kaya. Buah rose hips disukai burung pemakan buah yang membantu penyebaran biji mawar bersama kotoran yang dikeluarkan. Beberapa jenis burung seperti burung Finch juga memakan biji-biji mawar.
Pada umumnya mawar memiliki duri berbentuk seperti pengait yang berfungsi sebagai pegangan sewaktu memanjat tumbuhan lain. Beberapa spesies yang tumbuh liar di tanah berpasir di daerah pantai seperti Rosa rugosa dan Rosa pimpinellifolia beradaptasi dengan duri lurus seperti jarum yang mungkin berfungsi untuk mengurangi kerusakan akibat dimakan binatang, menahan pasir yang diterbangkan angin dan melindungi akar dari erosi. Walaupun sudah dilindungi duri, rusa kelihatannya tidak takut dan sering merusak tanaman mawar. Beberapa spesies mawar mempunyai duri yang tidak berkembang dan tidak tajam.
Mawar dapat dijangkiti beberapa penyakit seperti karat daun yang merupakan penyakit paling serius. Penyebabnya adalah cendawanPhragmidium mucronatum yang menyebabkan kerontokan daun. Penyakit yang tidak begitu berbahaya seperti Tepung Mildew disebabkan cendawan Sphaerotheca pannosa, sedangkan penyakit Bercak Hitam yang ditandai timbulnya bercak-bercak hitam pada daun disebabkan oleh cendawan Diplocarpon rosae. Mawar juga merupakan makanan bagi larva beberapa spesies Lepidoptera.
Mawar tumbuh subur di daerah beriklim sedang walaupun beberapa kultivar yang merupakan hasil metode penyambungan (grafting) dapat tumbuh di daerah beriklim subtropis hingga daerah beriklim tropis.Selain sebagai bunga potong, mawar memiliki banyak manfaat, antara lain antidepresan, antiviral, antibakteri, antiperadangan, dan sumber vitamin C. Minyak mawar adalah salah satu minyak atsiri hasil penyulingan dan penguapan daun-daun mahkota sehingga dapat dibuat menjadi parfum. Mawar juga dapat dimanfaatkan untukteh, jelly, dan selai. [1][2]
Mawar Taman secara umum digolongkan menjadi 3 kelompok besar:
Wild roses (Mawar Liar): asalnya tumbuh liar, bentuk bunga sederhana, sudah dikenal manusia sejak zaman dulu. Beberapa spesies mawar terkemuka yang disebut di atas dan beberapa hibrida yang dihasilkannya merupakan contoh mawar liar.
Old Garden Roses: tanaman hasil persilangan sebelum diperkenalkannya Hybrid Tea pada tahun 1867. Bentuk bunga unik dan berbau harum. Berikut ini adalah jenis-jenis mawar Old Garden disusun menurut urutan umur dari yang paling tua:
Alba: "mawar putih" hasil persilangan Rosa arvensis dengan Rosa alba. Alba merupakan contoh Mawar Taman yang paling tua, dibawa ke Inggris oleh bangsaRomawi kuno. Berbunga setahun sekali. Contoh: 'Semi-plena', 'White Rose of York'.
Gallica: hasil persilangan dari Rosa gallica yang berasal dari Eropa bagian tengah dan selatan. Berbunga sekali di musim panas. Contoh: 'Cardinal de Richelieu', 'Charles de Mills', 'Rosa Mundi' (Rosa gallica versicolor).
Damask - dibawa ke Eropa dari Persia oleh Robert de Brie sekitar tahun 1254 dan tahun 1276. Mawar jenis Summer Damasks (persilangan antara mawar Gallica dengan Rosa phoenicea) berbunga sekali di musim panas. Mawar jenis Autumn Damasks (persilangan antara Gallica dengan Rosa moschata) berbunga di musim gugur. Contoh: 'Ispahan' dan 'Madame Hardy'.
Centifolia atau dikenal juga sebagai Provence: secara harafiah berarti "seribu daun mahkota" adalah hasil pemuliaan di abad ke-17 di Belanda. Berbunga setahun sekali, misalnya: 'Centifolia' dan 'Paul Ricault'.
Moss: masih kerabat dekat Centifolia, batang dan daun-daun kelopak seperti ditumbuhi lumut berwarna hijau. Berbunga setahun sekali. Contoh: 'Comtesse de Murinais', 'Old Pink Moss'.
China: dapat berbunga berkali-kali sepanjang musim panas hingga akhir musim gugur. Ada 4 jenis ('Slater's Crimson China' 1792, 'Parsons' Pink China' 1793, 'Hume's Blush China' 1809, dan 'Parks' Yellow Tea Scented China' 1824) yang dibawa masuk ke Eropa pada akhir abad ke-18 dan abad ke-19. Jenis-jenis ini kemudian dimuliakan menjadi mawar Old Garden yang dapat berbunga berkali-kali, seperti 'Old Blush China' dan 'Mutabilis'.
Portland: dinamakan untuk mengenang Duke of Portland menerima mawar dariItalia pada tahun 1800). Mawar yang sering dikenal sebagai 'The Portland Rose' (nama lain: Rosa paestana atau 'Scarlet Four Seasons' Rose') merupakan moyang mawar Portland. Contoh: 'James Veitch', 'Rose de Rescht', 'The Portland Rose'.
Bourbon: Mawar yang berasal dari l'Île de Bourbon (sekarang disebut Réunion, koloni Perancis di Lautan Hindia) diperkenalkan di Perancis pada tahun 1823. Hasil persilangan 'Autumn Damask' dan 'Old Blush China'. Berbunga berkali-kali. Contoh: 'Louise Odier', 'Mme. Pierre Oger', 'Zéphirine Drouhin'.
Hybrid Perpetual: Mawar yang banyak dijumpai di Inggris pada zaman Victoria, merupakan keturunan dari Bourbon. Berbunga berkali-kali. Contoh: 'Ferdinand Pichard', 'Reine Des Violettes'.
Tea: Mawar hasil persilangan 'Hume's Blush China' atau 'Parks' Yellow Tea Scented China' dengan berbagai jenis Bourbon dan Noisette. Berbunga berkali-kali walaupun tidak selalu berbau harum seperti teh. Contoh: 'Lady Hillingdon'.
Bermuda "Mysterious" Roses (Mawar "Misterius" Bermuda): kelompok yang terdiri dari beberapa lusin Mawar asal Bermuda yang sudah dibudidayakan paling tidak selama satu abad di Bermuda sewaktu "ditemukan." Kemungkinan besar Mawar Bermuda merupakan percabangan atau kultivar Mawar Old Garden yang dibuang karena dianggap tidak bisa dipakai. Mawar Bermuda mempunyai nilai ekonomi yang tinggi karena bisa ditanam di daerah tropis dan semi tropis. Mawar jenis ini dapat berbunga dalam cuaca panas dan lembap. Tahan terhadap kerusakan disebabkan oleh Nematoda dan penyakit Bercak Hitam yang menjadi ancaman budidaya mawar di iklim panas dan lembap. Mawar Bermuda disebut "mawar misterius" karena nama asli jenis ini sudah tidak diketahui lagi dan hanya diberi nama berdasarkan nama pemilik taman.
Climbing Roses (Mawar Memanjat): kelompok yang suka merambat di pagar atau bangunan kanopi, misalnya: Ayrshire, Climbing China, Laevigata, Sempervirens, Noisette, Boursault, Climbing Tea, dan Climbing Bourbon.
Shrub Roses (Mawar Semak): kelompok dengan kebiasaan semi-memanjat, merambat pada pagar dan bangunan kanopi. Bunga kecil sampai sedang, mekar tahan lama.
Modern Garden Roses (Mawar Modern Garden): Keturunan dari mawar Old Garden dan bentuknya beraneka ragam. Kelompok ini dibagi-bagi berdasarkan ukuran tanaman dan ciri khas bunga, misalnya: "tanaman semak dengan bunga besar," tanaman semak dengan bunga besar berulang kali," "bunga berkelompok," "menjalar, bunga berulang kali," "semak pendek, berbunga sekali." Sebagian besar kultivar model mutakhir dapat digolongkan ke dalam 2 kelompok:
Hybrid Tea: Mawar yang ideal untuk bunga potong karena satu batang bisa menghasilkan 5 sampai 6 bunga. Bunga berukuran besar dan anggun, memiliki daun mahkota yang tersusun rapat dan pinggirannya sedikit terlipat ke luar (lihat foto), sering ditanam di kebun-kebun kecil dan disematkan pada jas sewaktu menghadiri upacara pernikahan.
Floribunda: bunga kecil-kecil yang merupakan kelompok dari 10 bunga atau lebih pada satu batang. Bunga yang rimbun mencolok dari kejauhan sehingga bagus untuk ditanam di taman-taman umum dan ruang-ruang terbuka lainnya.
Buck Roses: namanya diambil dari nama Profesor Griffith Buck (ahli hortikultura dari Iowa State University) yang memuliakan lebih dari 90 varietas mawar. Buck roses tahan terhadap penyakit dan keganasan musim dingin.
English Roses: kelompok yang merupakan hasil hibrida antara mawar Old Garden dan mawar modern. Bunga berbau harum dan berbunga berulang kali.
Miniature Roses: kelompok dengan bunga berukuran mini (diameter 2-5 cm) dan berbunga berulang kali.
Mawar yang dikenal di Indonesia sebagian besar adalah mawar jenis Hybrid Tea dan Medium.
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History of artificial satellites
The first artificial satellite was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, and initiating the SovietSputnik program, with Sergei Korolev as chief designer (there is a crater on the lunar far side which bears his name). This in turn triggered theSpace Race between the Soviet Union and the United States.
Sputnik 1 helped to identify the density of high atmospheric layers through measurement of its orbital change and provided data on radio-signal distribution in the ionosphere. The unanticipated announcement of Sputnik 1's success precipitated the Sputnik crisis in the United States and ignited the so-called Space Race within the Cold War.
Sputnik 2 was launched on November 3, 1957 and carried the first living passenger into orbit, a dog named Laika.[9]
In May, 1946, Project RAND had released the Preliminary Design of an Experimental World-Circling Spaceship, which stated, "A satellite vehicle with appropriate instrumentation can be expected to be one of the most potent scientific tools of the Twentieth Century."[10] The United States had been considering launching orbital satellites since 1945 under the Bureau of Aeronauticsof the United States Navy. The United States Air Force's Project RAND eventually released the above report, but did not believe that the satellite was a potential military weapon; rather, they considered it to be a tool for science, politics, and propaganda. In 1954, the Secretary of Defense stated, "I know of no American satellite program."[11]
On July 29, 1955, the White House announced that the U.S. intended to launch satellites by the spring of 1958. This became known asProject Vanguard. On July 31, the Soviets announced that they intended to launch a satellite by the fall of 1957.
Following pressure by the American Rocket Society, the National Science Foundation, and the International Geophysical Year, military interest picked up and in early 1955 the Army and Navy were working on Project Orbiter, two competing programs: the army's which involved using a Jupiter C rocket, and the civilian/Navy Vanguard Rocket, to launch a satellite. At first, they failed: initial preference was given to the Vanguard program, whose first attempt at orbiting a satellite resulted in the explosion of the launch vehicle on national television. But finally, three months after Sputnik 2, the project succeeded; Explorer 1 became the United States' first artificial satellite on January 31, 1958.[12]
In June 1961, three-and-a-half years after the launch of Sputnik 1, the Air Force used resources of the United States Space Surveillance Network to catalog 115 Earth-orbiting satellites.[13]
The United States Space Surveillance Network (SSN), a division ofThe United States Strategic Command, has been tracking objects in Earth's orbit since 1957 when the Soviets opened the space age with the launch of Sputnik I. Since then, the SSN has tracked more than 26,000 objects. The SSN currently tracks more than 8,000 man-made orbiting objects. The rest have re-entered Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated, or survived re-entry and impacted the Earth. The SSN tracks objects that are 10 centimeters in diameter or larger; those now orbiting Earth range from satellites weighing several tons to pieces of spent rocket bodies weighing only 10 pounds. About seven percent are operational satellites (i.e. ~560 satellites), the rest arespace debris.[14]The United States Strategic Command is primarily interested in the active satellites, but also tracks space debris which upon reentry might otherwise be mistaken for incoming missiles.
A search of the NSSDC Master Catalog at the end of October 2010 listed 6,578 satellites launched into orbit since 1957, the latest being Chang'e 2, on 1 October 2010.[15]
Navigational satellites are satellites which use radio time signals transmitted to enable mobile receivers on the ground to determine their exact location. The relatively clear line of sight between the satellites and receivers on the ground, combined with ever-improving electronics, allows satellite navigation systems to measure location to accuracies on the order of a few meters in real time.
Recovery satellites are satellites that provide a recovery of reconnaissance, biological, space-production and other payloads from orbit to Earth.
Manned spacecraft (spaceships) are large satellites able to put humans into (and beyond) an orbit, and return them to Earth. Spacecraft including spaceplanes of reusable systems have major propulsion or landing facilities. They can be used as transport to and from the orbital stations
A calendar is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial or administrative purposes. This is done by giving names to periods of time, typically days,weeks, months, and years. A date is the designation of a single, specific day within such a system. Periods in a calendar (such as years and months) are usually, though not necessarily, synchronized with the cycle of the sun or the moon. Many civilizations and societies have devised a calendar, usually derived from other calendars on which they model their systems, suited to their particular needs.
A calendar is also a physical device (often paper). This is the most common usage of the word. Other similar types of calendars can include computerized systems, which can be set to remind the user of upcoming events and appointments.
A calendar can also mean a list of planned events, such as a court calendar.
The English word calendar is derived from the Latin word kalendae, which was the Latin name of the first day of every month.[1]
Kuih are more often steamed than baked, and are thus very different in texture, flavour and appearance from Western cakes or puff pastries. Manykuih are sweet, but some are savoury. The term Kue/Kueh/Kuih is widely used in the region of Indonesia and Malaysia to refer to sweet or savoury desserts. It is hard to distinguish betweenkuihof Malay orPeranakan(also known as "StraitsChinese" people) origin due to the fact that the histories of these recipes have not been well-documented. Cross-cultural influencing is also very common.
Though called by other names, one is likely to find various similar versions of kuih in neighbouring countries, such as Vietnam, Thailand, andBurma. For example, the colourful steamed kue lapis and the rich kuih bingka ubi are also available in Burma, Thailand, and Vietman
Chinese guo
Chinese kuih, written as "guo" (粿) or sometimes as "gao" (糕), are usually made from ground rice flours. Many of the kue are made especially for important festivities such as the Qingming Festival or Chinese New Year, however many others are consumed as main meals or snack on a daily basis. Example of these kue include:[1]
Nian gao (年糕): Known in the Hokkien language as "Ti Kueh" (甜粿)
Caozai Guo (草仔粿): Pronounced in Hokkien as "Tsao wa kueh" (chháu-á-ké). Also known as "Tsukak kueh" (鼠麴粿, chhú-khak-ké) from the herb it is made from.